maps glover

blm korea 2.jpg

Maps Glover, Time Zone Teleport, digital illustration and animations, 2020

Time Zone Teleport is a series of illustration
And statements documenting and interpreting the cultural exchange between American and Korean cohorts during the great pandemic of 2020.

Due to the global impact of this pandemic communities across the world have been forces to interact through technology. Using zoom as our primary source of interaction American cohorts entered the zoom at 9 am while Korean cohorts entered at 10 pm 

Creating a teleport through the vastly different times zones.

Each illustration highlights a component of this exchange

As time and space converges into a moment as ideas travel from day to night in seconds these abstract and representational works reflect the nature of the cultural exchange through digital media.    

Maps Glover creates work inspired by human behavior and pervasive social issues. He illustrates how time affects behavior, and how observation alters perspective. He constructs portals in which the characters he creates exist and experience the world or maps around them. Often the works addresses emotion thought conflicting colors and distorted Characters. Maps has created works at Kennedy Center, Smithsonian Arts & Industries Building, Transformer DC, and more. His unconventional approach to expressionism evolves the birth of something new.